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Mac os-X scientific Plotting software.

Curated list, without any sort of sorting but omitting those useless (in my humble opinion) buggy old software, ruled out are also command line based software(that is, without any kind of GUI). I'd say that the following software are the only ones ready to kick out of business origin lab dumb windows only stuff.

  • Plot, free to download here. Very capable but with a difficult to use interface.
  • SciDaVis, here, distributed as binaries manily a clone of the old origin 6.1 was't really stable in my test.
  • Igor Pro, my beloved workhorse, though a bit pricey  get a trial, or buy here
  • Magic plot, see my review, every mac-user researcher should have it. Get it here.

I would add matlab and wolfram mathematica to this list,  they both have plotting and data analysis, though they are rather over-complicated for daily and routinely stuff.

Know more, drop a comment!!

Did you know that..

Did you know that Google, with its very own google scholar service, has introduced a new feature some time ago.
Namely it has introduced "my publications" a very cool service that helps those who publish to find out where when and by whom they were cited.
As always you are being presented with all the statistical goodies that google had always used to delight us.

 An interesting review found here.

Papers 2.0 for windows beta relased.

Finally mekentosj has released a beta windows version of they fantastic papers reference  management software.

Go and grab a trial here.

The battle with free and fabulous mendeley is getting more and more interesting now!